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ISSN 2799-3434 (Online)

프로젝트경영연구 , Vol.3 no.2 (2023)
반도체 검사 운영 효율성 향상 방안 : 전용 및 범용 장비의 할당과 생산의 연속성을 감안한 투입 관점을 중심으로
Semiconductors are used in almost all electronic products today, and their demand is increasing as the number of uses increases with the development of technology. Also, the semiconductor features become extremely complicated and diversified. For semiconductor companies, the rapidchangesrequirea large amount of machine investments, and will add up the manufacturing cost as well as affect the entiremarg in structure negatively. Especially, the semiconductor testhasto bedesigned tomeetthespeed, functionality and feature of the device under test,makingitverydifficulttostandardizeacrossvarioussemiconductordevices. The out sourcingmanufacturersconsiderthecapitalexpendituresforthetestoperationistheoneofthemost challenging decision. In this paper, externalinstabilityfactorssuchaswafer supply disconnection and customer demand change sareexcluded as much as possible in the finalteststage of semiconductor production, and the correlation between facility operation rate saccording to various input scenariosis studied. Through this, efficient allocation of dedicated and general-purpose facilities increases the facility utilization rate, thereby reducing the buffer capacity. As a result, it is possible to prevent excessive facility investment, reduce corporate losses, and establish and implement stable production plans.