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ISSN 2799-3434 (Online)
프로젝트경영연구 , Vol.3 no.1 (2023)
DOI : 10.52890/PMR.2023.3.1.1
Fast-Track 반도체 공장 건설에서 프로젝트성과에 영향을 주는 요인 도출에 관한 연구
The world is witnessing a stiffer competition in semiconductor industry. With each company looking to establish dominance in market, it has become important to build a semiconductor factory as fast as possible. The current technique adopted at site is 'Fast-Track', which is most common and helps shorten the construction period. However, this fast-track method results in an increase in cost from changes at the request of the owner and the interference demanded by a number of minor issues occurring at site, unlike the conventional method. In this study, factors to fast-track technique are defined and questionnaire on project's stakeholders is conducted, of which the result is statistically evaluated to give each factor a quantitative and influential weight. This study shows that fast track technique enables a semi-conductor construction to be completed on schedule and within budget, proving that project management by fast-track technique is reasonable and efficient.